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WE AT SICKLES HIGH SCHOOL know it is exciting for students to begin thinking about their transition from middle school to high school. The staff of the Sickles High School Bands would like to remind you that Sickles is in your zone, and we hope that you are considering attending our high school and becoming a member of our award-winning band program.



Principal: Krista Luloff

Sickles High School Phone: (813) 631-4742


Student Hours: 8:30 AM to 3:25 PM

Address: 7950 Gunn Hwy, Tampa, FL 33626

Uniforms: No Uniforms

Colors: Green, Gray and Black

Mascot: Gryphon


Director of Bands: Keith Griffis

Associate Director of Bands: Heather Lundahl


Did you know Sickles offers: 

  • 26 AP classes (to earn credit)

  • AP Capstone Diploma Designation

  • 4 on-campus HCC dual enrollment classes

  • Many additional dual enrollment classes with HCC.

  • More than 60% of students graduate with over a 4.0 GPA.

  • More than 90% of Students attend a 2-year or 4-year college. 


Sickles is a highly rated school whose honors have a history of National Merit Scholars and students admitted to West Point and Annapolis Naval Academy.


Follow the link to learn more about Sickles High School.



Sickles High School is home to one of the largest, and most well-known marching bands in the state.


Our ensembles include Marching Wall of Sound, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble and Color Guard.


Students who join our band program gain skills in areas such as leadership, discipline, time management, respecting others and hierarchy as well as learning music, performing with friends, going places together, gaining personal achievements and much more.


All courses listed in the curriculum satisfy the Fine Arts graduation requirement.


Follow the link to review the 2024-2025 Curriculum Guide.



  • ALL new band members should put BAND 1 on their schedule.

  • ALL new first year members are encouraged to also enroll in JAZZ ENSEMBLE 1.

  • Band is offered for honors credit during the 3rd and 4th years.


Award Winning

  • 7-time Lion’s Pride Marching Band Competition Winner.

  • Superior rated performances at MPA (Marching and Concert).

  • Consistently one of the largest producers of All-State participants in the county.

  • History of All-National Band performers.



Watch this video to learn more -




Can I do band and.....?

Yes!  Our band members enjoy participating in high level academics (AP and dual enrollment courses), sports including football, wrestling, baseball, basketball and more.


Many have jobs outside of school, and many are also part of other campus organizations such as AFJROTC, National Honor Societies, Tri-M Music Honor Society, student government and more.


Alumni of Sickles Bands include multiple valedictorians, salutatorians, and National Merit finalists. Our students attend many top colleges including, Notre Dame, University of Florida, FSU, University of Tampa and many more.


Can band help me get into college?

  • College admissions officers clearly state that students who participate in arts classes (such as BAND) have an advantage over students who do not.

  • Music program participation can help students “stand out” on applications.

  • Enrollment in music classes over multiple years is valued more by universities than extra years of a foreign language.

  • Being a part of band over multiple years, shows colleges a student has determination, social skills to work in a group, creativity and problem solving, and extracurricular interest.


Other benefits of being in a music program

  • Being a part of band can help ease the transition to high school by giving students a sense of belonging on day one of classes.

  • Students who participate in music programs on average have higher SAT scores than students who do not participate in music.

  • Music students have higher self-esteem and are better at coping with anxiety.

  • Music programs require teamwork as part of a band or orchestra. In these groups, students will learn how to work together and build camaraderie.

  • With encouragement from teachers and parents, students playing a musical instrument can build pride and confidence. Musical education is also likely to develop better communication for students.




Will I be able to fit band into my schedule with all of the requirements to graduate?  

YES! Participation in one year of band fulfills the one-year Fine Arts credit required for graduation.  Sickles High School is on a 7 period day, and 3 of these classes are electives your first year. Additionally, summer school and Florida Virtual School (online classes) help our students fit in even more electives to there schedule There will be no problem with fitting band into your schedule!


Band takes up a lot of my will I get my homework and studying done? 

If the 200 students of the SHS Band Program can do it, you can too!  Many students in the band are at the top of their class, and most take multiple Advanced Placement courses.  Being in band help our students with time management.  The marching band rehearses only one day a week (Tuesday 4pm-7pm) up until the end of October.  From 3pm-4pm the band room is turned into a study hall where students can work on their homework and/or go to after school tutoring or ELP programs.  During the spring semester students generally only rehearse once a week after school (with many weeks not rehearsing at all after school.)  These times can be found on the band website.


I play a sport...can I be in band too? 

Yes.  Sometimes schedules will need to be worked out, but it is possible.  We have students that participate in just about every sports program offered at Sickles.  Students also participate in ROTC.  Band students are given a calendar at the beginning of the year with all of the rehearsal dates, which can also be found on charms and  Occasionally dates are added, but generally students will receive at least a two weeks notice.  If you plan to participate in a sport, it is your responsibility to speak with Mr. Griffis and your coach to work out the rehearsal schedule.


I have never marched in my life....I don't think I can do it.

There are many past 8th graders who asked themselves the same question, but tried it and were glad they did.  These skills are taught during band camp, and each year our freshman and new students are able to learning these new skills in no time! During that time we will also teach you marching and advanced playing fundamentals as you learn music for the fall, get issued a uniform, and make over a hundred friends before school even starts.If you have a positive attitude and are willing to learn, you will do great!


I did band in middle school and am tired of it; I think I want to quit.

After investing all of your time in middle school, you are now getting to the point where you have acquired lots of skills on your instrument. Do not drop out now when you are on the threshold of getting the most out of it and enjoying it to the fullest. By the end of their senior year, band students are able to show their college, university, or employer that the have a demonstrable 7 years of commitment, dedication, and achievement in one subject in additional to everything else- not just little bits of activities here and there like most other applicants.  In many ways, band students are able to set themselves apart in ways that no one else can. At the very least, you must try it to see!




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